Kassel McVey was proud to be a sponsor of the Advocate of the Year Award presentation by the SC Appleseed Legal Justice Center on October 23 to Inez Moore Tenenbaum, chair of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and former SC Superintendent of Education.
On hand at the award ceremony were John Kassel and Theile McVey. Kassel is chair-elect of the Appleseed Board of Directors.

Theile McVey of Kassel McVey (right) poses with attendees at the Appleseed award reception for Inez Moore Tenenbaum. With Theile are (from left) Pam Mullis, Steve Suggs, and June Bradham (Theile’s mother).

The SC Appleseed Legal Justice Center Board poses with Inez Moore Tenenbaum (center front), recipient of the organization’s Advocate of the Year award on Oct. 23. At left is John Kassel of Kassel McVey, Appleseed chair-elect.
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