$1.9 Million European Manufacturer Product Liability Case
The Blanket Machine Case
Manufacturers have a duty to us as consumers to ensure their products are reasonably safe to use. When they put out defective or unsafe products that cause us harm, we have the right to be compensated for our injuries. The problem is, many victims of unsafe products find themselves in a David-and-Goliath fight against manufacturing companies that are powerful, well-resourced, and operating multi-nationally.
Kassel McVey lawyers meet this challenge head on. Here’s an example of how we aggressively fight for our clients even in the face of multinational corporations:
Our client in this case was a machine operator at a facility that manufactured erosion control blankets. These blankets are sheets made of organic material, typically laid out on hills and slopes to prevent soil erosion during road construction. At the facility, our client operated a European-made specialty machine that had rollers to produce the blankets.
At one point, the machine began producing in a crooked way. The worker attempted to straighten the material, but instantly, his hand and arm were dragged into the unguarded rollers up to his shoulder. He suffered extensive arm damage that required numerous surgeries. This left him with little function.
Upon investigation, it was discovered that the machine had violated basic safety standards requiring rollers to have guards before their “pinch point.” One simple guarding method is called a “light curtain,” a sensor that instantly turns off the machine if it detects a hand near the moving rollers. This device is effective, relatively inexpensive, and does not interfere with the machine’s working.
As part of our legal services to the injured client, our team flew to Europe to take depositions of the machine manufacturer. There, we found that the manufacturer itself installed light curtains on its own machines when used by its own workers. We leveraged this additional discovery for our client’s product liability claim, obtaining for him a settlement of $1,925,000.
Cases like this are proof that injured individuals need not back down quietly when they are harmed by powerful yet negligent product manufacturers. While these companies may be highly prepared to downplay product liability claims, there are diligent and fearless lawyers who fight for consumers to achieve justice.
Talk To A Lawyer Today
If you believe you have a claim against a negligent product manufacturer, talk to us at Kassel McVey. We will assess your case and provide you with clear, knowledgeable answers. And when we decide to pursue your legal claim, you can trust that a skillfully aggressive team will work hard to obtain the maximum compensation you deserve.
Your consultation with us is free. Call us today at (803) 256-4242.
Personal Injury Lawyers 1330 Laurel Street Columbia, SC 29201 Phone: 803-256-4242
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